Caperino & Peperone
Né de notre désoeuvrement sur l’île de Stromboli, Caperino & Peperone “chiens existentialistes italiens” sont en quelque sorte nos avatars canins. Ils transportent leur naïveté apparente d’un pays à l’autre, d’une maison à l’autre, d’une niche à l’autre.
Cap&Pep haute Fidélité, Système stéréophonique
Édition limitée à 8 ensembles
Haïkourt-métrage existentialiste germanopratin
L’être et le nez en l’air
Textes par Thierry Kuntzel
Musique originale Etienne Charry
Projection Art Saint Germain des prés 2007
Centre Pompidou 2008
Hong-Kong Flou-Flou
Musique originale Etienne Charry
Collaboration avec Joyce Hong Kong 2006
Making of
Cap & Pep A round world
Musique Etienne Charry
2007 : a big collab with Isetan department store in Tokyo, with the contribution of Vogue Nippon and Colette store in Paris. The 14 windows and « the stage » were dedicated to Caperino & Peperone world and their guests* from all around the world, and were displaying limited editions of various products, all choosen by the excellent intuition of Cap & Pep, and designed with excellence by their beloved masters.
This video presents the fabrication, installation and the “D-Day” of the opening.
*Marni, Cartier, Repetto, Pierre Hermès, Ginbis, Lacoste, Hermann Miller, Be@rbrick, Linda Farrow vintage and others...
A Xmas Tail
Musique Etienne Charry
Too bad ! Cap & Pep missed the last day of colette shop in Paris.
Arrived too late at 213 rue Saint Honoré, they desperately seek the spirit of Christmas but eventually find it back in an unexpected location. Those who are familiar with colette shop in Paris, will instantly catch the hidden visual allusions to the famous “two blue dots” logo of colette. Those who are not may just enjoy watching Cap & Pep in their desperate quest to the spirit of Xmas.
For both the message stay the same : don't worry there is a life after Xmas !
We wish to Colette and Sarah the most exciting “after Xmas” life.
Le grand plongeoir
Musique Julien Baer
2003 : Edouard Baer invited Cap & Pep to be “resident mascots” in his tv show “Le Grand Plongeoir”, for one season. Aside to this animated opening title, Cap & Pep were also special guests of the show as two mute ventriloquist puppets for Edouard.
CD Art Of Sleeping
Kirimoto, Exhibition «Flowa Powa» Mitsukoshi
Repetto, Lacoste, Springcourt
Domaine Clos Noir
Exhibition «Flowa Powa» Mitsukoshi
Hello Kitty
Eames chair
Kirimoto, Exhibition «Flowa Powa» Mitsukoshi
Silent Night (Lin Beeser)
Aigle, Stephen Jones